Sayed Saad Afzal

Research Assistant

Sayed Saad Afzal is a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pursuing a Ph.D. in computer systems, networks, and artificial intelligence. He is working as a research assistant in the Signal Kinetics Lab. His work focuses on underwater backscatter systems and developing low-cost, low-power and scalable underwater distributed sensor networks.

Research Interests

Ocean IoT, Environmental sensing using wireless signals, Computer networks, and Low-power backscatter communication

Ocean IoT

B.S. 2018 LUMS

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Research Originality Award – J-WAFS World Water Day Video Competition (2021)

Ocean Observing Prize, MIT (2020)

US National Academies Ocean Decades selects our work as an Ocean-Shot for this decade (2020)

NMF Gold Medalist in BS Electrical Engineering, LUMS (2018)

Dean’s Honor List Award, LUMS (2014-2018)


Towards Battery-Free Machine Learning and Inference in Underwater Environments

Ocean IoT

Underwater Backscatter Localization: Toward a Battery-Free Underwater GPS

Ocean IoT

Ultra-Wideband Underwater Backscatter via Piezoelectric Metamaterials

Ocean IoT

Contact Us

75 Amherst St, E14-474
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
