Tara Boroushaki

Research Assistant


My research focuses on fusing vision with radio frequency (RF) sensing through artificial intelligence. I design algorithms and models and build systems that leverage such fusion to enable capabilities that were not feasible before in applications spanning augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics, smart homes, and smart manufacturing. 

My research was named as one of the 103 ways MIT is making a better world, and I have received Microsoft PhD fellowship (2022). My research has also been featured in public media including the Wall Street Journal, BBC, and World Economic Forum.

I completed my undergraduate studies at Sharif University of Technology before I joined MIT in 2019.  

Research Interests

Wireless Sensing, Sensor Fusion, Robotic Manipulation, Mixed Reality




M.S. 2021 MIT

Digital Communication & Multimedia

B.S. 2019 Sharif University

Electrical Engineering

 Microsoft Research PHD Fellowship (2022)

 103 Ways MIT is Making a Better World (2022)

 IEEE-RFID Best Paper Award (2023)



RFusion: Robotic Grasping via RF-Visual Sensing and Learning

 Robotics    RFID

 ACM SenSys’21

Tara Boroushaki, Isaac Perper, Mergen Nachin, Alberto Rodriguez, Fadel Adib  

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Robotic Grasping of Fully-Occluded Objects using RF Perception

 Robotics    RFID

Tara Boroushaki, Junshan Leng, Ian Clester, Alberto Rodriguez, Fadel Adib

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