
A Handheld Fine-Grained RFID Localization System with Complex-Controlled Polarization

ACM MobiCom’23, Madrid, Spain, October 2023

Tara Boroushaki,  Isaac Perper, Aline Eid, Fadel Adib

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FuseBot: mechanical search of rigid and deformable objects via multi-modal perception

Autonomous Robots, September 2023

Tara Boroushaki,   Laura Dodds, Nazish Naeem, Fadel Adib

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Exploiting Synergies between Augmented Reality and RFIDs for Item Localization and Retrieval

IEEE RFID’23, Seattle, WA, June 2023

Tara Boroushaki, Maisy Lam, Weitung Chen, Laura Dodds, Aline Eid, Fadel Adib

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Software-Controlled Polarization for Longer-Range RFID Reading and Localization

IEEE RFID’23, Seattle, WA, June 2023

Laura Dodds, Nazish Naeem, Aline Eid, Fadel Adib  

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Augmenting Augmented Reality with Non-Line-of-Sight Perception

Usenix NSDI’23, Boston, MA, April 2023

Tara Boroushaki, Maisy Lam, Laura Dodds, Aline Eid, Fadel Adib  

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Wireless, Batteryless, and Secure Implantable System-on-a-Chip for 1.37mmHg Strain Sensing with Bandwidth Reconfigurability for Cross-Tissue Adaptation

IEEE CICC’22, April 2022 
Mohamed R. Abdelhamid, Unsoo Ha, Ustav Banerjee, Fadel Adib, Anantha Chandrakasan

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RFusion: Robotic Grasping via RF-Visual Sensing and Learning

 ACM SenSys’21
Tara BoroushakiIsaac PerperMergen Nachin, Alberto Rodriguez, Fadel Adib  

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Robotic Grasping of Fully-Occluded Objects using RF Perception

Tara Boroushaki, Junshan Leng, Ian Clester, Alberto Rodriguez, Fadel Adib

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Self-Reconfigurable Micro-Implants for Cross-Tissue Wireless and Batteryless Connectivity

ACM MobiCom ’20
Mohamed R. Abdelhamid, Ruicong Chen, Joonhyuk Cho, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Fadel Adib

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Food and Liquid Sensing in Practical Environments using RFIDs

Usenix NSDI ’20
Unsoo Ha, Junshan Leng, Alaa Khaddaj and Fadel Adib

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3D Backscatter Localization for Fine-Grained Robotics

Learning Food Quality and Safety from Wireless Stickers

ACM HotNets ’18
Unsoo Ha, Yunfei Ma, Zexuan Zhong, Tzu-Ming Hsu, Fadel Adib.

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Minding the Billions: Ultra-Wideband Localization for Deployed RFID Tags

Drone Relays for Battery-Free Networks

ACM SiggComm ’17
Mohamed R. Abdelhamid, Ruicong Chen, Joonhyuk Cho, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Fadel Adib

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RF-Compass: Robot Object Manipulation Using RFID

ACM MobiCom ’13
Jue Wang, Fadel Adib, Ross Knepper, Dina Katabi, and Daniela Rus.

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Clearing the RF Smog: Making 802.11n Robust to Cross-Technology Interference

Shyamnath Gollakota, Fadel Adib, Dina Katabi, and Srinivasan Seshan

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 Robotics    RFID
